
Definition of 4 bases accounting :

1.                    1. Cases basis
An accounting system that doesn't record accruals but instead recognizes income (or revenue) only when payment is received and expenses only when payment is made. There's no match of revenue against expenses in a fixed accounting period, so comparisons of previous periods aren't possible.
The cash method is simple in that the business's books are kept based on the actual flow of cash in and out of the business. Income is recorded when it's received, and expenses are reported when they're actually paid. The cash method is used by many sole proprietors and businesses with no inventory. From a tax standpoint, it's sometimes advantageous for a new business to use the cash method of accounting. That way, recording income can be put off until the next tax year, while expenses are counted right away.
The cash method may also continue to be appropriate for a small, cash-based business or a small service company. You should consult your accountant when deciding which accounting method would be best for your company.
2.      Modified cash
An accounting method that combines elements of the two major accounting methods, the cash method and the accrual method. The cash method recognizes income when it is received and expenses when they are paid for, whereas the accrual method recognizes income when it is earned (for example, when the terms of a contract are fulfilled) and expenses when they are incurred. The modified cash basis method uses accruals for long-term balance sheet elements and the cash basis for short-term ones.
3.      Modified accrual
An accounting method commonly used by government agencies that combines accrual-basis accounting with cash-basis accounting. Modified accrual accounting recognizes revenues when they become available and measurable and, with a few exceptions, recognizes expenditures when liabilities are incurred. This system divides available funds into separate entities within the organization to ensure that the money is being spent where it was intended.
The Government Accounting Standards Board, which is recognized as the official source of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) for state and local governments, establishes modified accrual accounting standards. To distinguish government accounting from business accounting, modified accrual accounting uses some different terminology than other accounting methods. For example, it uses the terms "excess" or "deficiency" instead of "net income", and "expenditures" instead of "expenses". The idea that government agencies need a different type of accounting system is accepted because the purpose of government organizations is significantly different from the purpose of both for-profit businesses as well as not-for-profit non-governmental organizations.

4.      Accrual bases
The accounting method under which revenues are recognized on the income statement when they are earned (rather than when the cash is received). The balance sheet is also affected at the time of the revenues by either an increase in Cash (if the service or sale was for cash), an increase in Accounts Receivable (if the service was performed on credit), or a decrease in Unearned Revenues (if the service was performed after the customer had paid in advance for the service).

Under the accrual basis of accounting, expenses are matched with revenues on the income statement when the expenses expire or title has transferred to the buyer, rather than at the time when expenses are paid. The balance sheet is also affected at the time of the expense by a decrease in Cash (if the expense was paid at the time the expense was incurred), an increase in Accounts Payable (if the expense will be paid in the future), or a decrease in Prepaid Expenses (if the expense was paid in advance).

bagaimana penggunaan basis akrual yang ada di indonesia ?

Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan (SAP) yang berlaku dewasa ini menggunakan basis kas menuju akrual (cash towards accrual). Padahal pada akhir tahun 2010,  pemerintah telah menerbitkan PP No 71 tahun 2010 mengenai penerapan  basis akrual penuh didalam akuntansi pemerintahan. Walaupun PP ini menginstruksikan penerapan akuntansi pemerintahan berbasis akrual murni, namun masih diperkenankan penerapan basis kas  menuju akrual sampai dengan tahun 2015, selanjutnya diharpakan seluruh pemerintah pusat maupun daerah menggunakan basis akrual penuh.
Perbedaan yang sangat menyolok dari akuntansi pemerintahan berbasis kas menuju akrual dengan basis akrual penuh adalah disajikannya laporan operasional (LO). LO menyajikan ikhtisar sumber daya ekonomi yang menambah ekuitas dan penggunaannya yang dikelola oleh pemerintah  pusat/daerah untuk kegiatan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dalam satu periode  pelaporan. Sehingga terjadi cut-off untuk menentukan pendapatan maupun beban yang terjadi pada satu perode akuntansi.
Walaupun masih terjadi tarik ulur penerapan kosep akrual dalam akuntansi pemerintahan, yang nota bene pemerintah bukanlah lembaga komersial (non profit motive), tetapi laporan dengan konsep akrual dirasa sangat bermanfaat untuk menilai kinerja pemerintah dalam mengurus keuangan Negara yang pengelolaan dan pengurusannya ditangi sendiri oleh pemerintah.


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Decision and Implementation Governmental Accounting for Users?

PP no 24 tahun 2005 tentang Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan dan PP no 71 tahun 2010.

bahwa bentuk dan isi laporan pertanggungjawaban pelaksanaan APBN/APBD disusun dan disajikan sesuai dengan Standar
Akuntansi Pemerintahan. Standar akuntansi pemerintahan tersebut disusun oleh Komite Standar
Akuntansi Pemerintahan yang independen dan ditetapkan dengan Peraturan Pemerintah setelah terlebih dahulu mendapat pertimbangan dari Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan.
Penyusunan SAP Berbasis Akrual dilakukan oleh KSAP melalui proses baku penyusunan (due process). Proses baku penyusunan SAP tersebut merupakan pertanggungjawaban profesional KSAP yang secara lengkap terdapat dalam Lampiran III.

Penyusunan PSAP dilandasi oleh Kerangka Konseptual Akuntansi Pemerintahan, yang merupakan konsep dasar penyusunan dan pengembangan Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan, dan merupakan acuan bagi Komite Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan, penyusun laporan keuangan, pemeriksa, dan pengguna laporan keuangan dalam mencari pemecahan atas sesuatu masalah yang belum diatur dalam Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan.

Sesuai dengan amanat Undang-Undang Keuangan Negara tersebut, Pemerintah telah menetapkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan. Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan tersebut menggunakan basis kas untuk pengakuan transaksi pendapatan, belanja dan pembiayaan, dan basis akrual untuk pengakuan aset, kewajiban, dan ekuitas dana.

Penerapan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 2005 masih bersifat sementara sebagaimana diamanatkan dalam Pasal 36 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2003 tentang Keuangan Negara yang menyatakan bahwa selama pengakuan dan pengukuran pendapatan dan belanja berbasis akrual belum dilaksanakan, digunakan pengakuan dan pengukuran berbasis kas.

Pengakuan dan pengukuran pendapatan dan belanja berbasis akrual menurut Pasal 36 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2003 dilaksanakan paling lambat 5 (lima) tahun. Oleh karena itu, Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 2005 perlu diganti.

Lingkup pengaturan Peraturan Pemerintah ini meliputi SAP Berbasis Akrual dan SAP Berbasis Kas Menuju Akrual. SAP Berbasis Akrual terdapat pada Lampiran I dan berlaku sejak tanggal ditetapkan dan dapat segera diterapkan oleh setiap entitas. SAP Berbasis Kas Menuju Akrual pada Lampiran II berlaku selama masa transisi bagi entitas yang belum siap untuk menerapkan SAP Berbasis Akrual.

Penerapan SAP Berbasis Kas Menuju Akrual ini dilaksanakan sesuai dengan jangka waktu sebagaimana tercantum dalam Lampiran II. Selanjutnya, setiap entitas pelaporan, baik pada pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah daerah wajib melaksanakan SAP Berbasis Akrual.

     Pada dasarnya keputusan Pemerintah untuk mengganti laporan keuangan dari yang awalnya berstandar kas menuju akrual adalah sebuah keputusan yang tepat. Karena dengan hal tersebuat akan membuat sebuah laporan keuangan memjadi lebih terpercaya dan transparan.

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  Technological developments in various fields of life goes by very fast, especially the field of computer technology. Advances in information technology in Indonesia, especially in the area of ​​influence of the internet for information systems used by many enterprises. Today many enterprises using information technology online with a computerized system that uses the Internet to support the smooth running of business entities and help to increase sales.
Computerized system of online sales is expected to help boost sales of goods, either online or in person.Fica Nursery is a business entity engaged in the sale of drugs for the plant. In the Nursery Fica, transaction processing, data processing and report generation are managed by computerized. Along with the development of business entities and the advancement of technology, business entities Fica Nursery wants an increase in sales to earn bigger profits. The authors chose the method of online sales, the company sells products in the form of medicine plants, organic fertilizers, and all accessories such as plastic pots plants, ceramic pots and pots of orchids online.
With the background of these problems, the authors are interested in improving and designing systems that can help businesses to process transactions through the online sales, online customer service, as well as online reporting. Sales transactions, product data management, customer data management, an important part of online business anthuriumn, because the effect on the smooth course of business entity transactions and the amount of the profit entities.
Online sales system is designed based expected to help enterprises accelerate the sales process online. Thus, the performance of enterprises can be improved to be more effective and efficient, as well as enterprises get maximum profit
Here is the scenario of Sales Information System Online at CV. Fica Nursery:

Prospective Buyers open web, then to register first in order to become a member, because we did not give permission to the guest user to make a purchase.
After becoming a member, Buyers can log-in.
Buyers can begin to make an order of goods, with the conditions that have been determined that for bookings of at least 6 pieces of plastic pots, for drugs Rp. 50,000, plant and equipment plant at least Rp. 70,000.

If the agreed upon conditions and the interested buyer can immediately fill the order items to be ordered. To reserve items postage charged as follows:

Java region: Rp. 8000

Region Bali: Rp. 10,000
Regions outside Java: Rp. 15,000
Outside Indonesian territory: ditentukkan by the delivery service itself (DHL, JNE, FedDex)

Buyers finished filling the order, advanced with a payment system where we only serve the credit cards Visa and Mastercard ..

Buyer can not cancel the order if it is to enter the PIN code on the credit card charging order.

The bank confirmed to us that there is a purchase transaction.

If the buyer has to fill the oder of goods with payment, the buyer can immediately pulled print order form ordering goods as a sign that things have paid off, should not be done when it is not needed.

Afterward Buyers are waiting for the goods ordered to the address attached.

With the ordering of goods, the goods will be reduced and the state's time for employees to make re-stock inventories.
Goods is reduced, the employee contacted the sales / supplier for charging goods back.
Employees update inventory and determine the price of goods


. Use case register:

. Use case buy:

. Use case of payment:

. Use case monitor goods:


IV. 1 Activity diagram Up:

IV. Buy 2 activity diagrams:

IV. 3 Aktivity payments diagram: 
IV. Monitor 4 Activity Diagram Item: 

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 Encryption  is a  process of coding information which could either be a file or  mail message  in into cipher text  a form unreadable without a decoding key in order to prevent anyone except the intended recipient from reading that data. Decryption is the reverse process of converting encoded data to its original un-encoded form, plaintext.
A key  in cryptography is a long sequence of bits used by encryption / decryption algorithms. For example, the following represents a hypothetical 40-bit key: 

00001010 01101001 10011110 00011100 01010101
A given encryption algorithm takes the original message, and a key, and alters the original message mathematically based on the key's bits to create a new encrypted message. Likewise, a decryption algorithm takes an encrypted message and restores it to its original form using one or more keys. An Article by your Guide Bradley Mitchell
 When a user encodes a file, another user cannot decode and read the file without the decryption key. Adding a digital signature, a form of personal authentication, ensures the integrity of the original message
“To encode plaintext, an encryption key is used to impose an encryption algorithm onto the data. To decode cipher, a user must possess the appropriate decryption key. A decryption key consists of a random string of numbers, from 40 through 2,000 bits in length. The key imposes a decryption algorithm onto the data. This decryption algorithm reverses the encryption algorithm, returning the data to plaintext. The longer the encryption key is, the more difficult it is to decode. For a 40-bit encryption key, over one trillion possible decryption keys exist.
There are two primary approaches to encryption: symmetric and public-key. Symmetric encryption is the most common type of encryption and uses the same key for encoding and decoding data. This key is known as a session key. Public-key encryption uses two different keys, a public key and a private key. One key encodes the message and the other decodes it. The public key is widely distributed while the private key is secret.
Aside from key length and encryption approach, other factors and variables impact the success of a cryptographic system. For example, different cipher modes, in coordination with initialization vectors and salt values, can be used to modify the encryption method. Cipher modes define the method in which data is encrypted. The stream cipher mode encodes data one bit at a time. The block cipher mode encodes data one block at a time. Although block cipher tends to execute more slowly than stream cipher, block”
Platform Builder for Microsoft Windows CE 5.0

CRYPTOGRAPHY is an algorithmic process of converting a plain text or clear text message to a cipher text or cipher message based on an algorithm that both the sender and receiver know, so that the cipher text message can be returned to its original, plain text form. In its cipher form, a message cannot be read by anyone but the intended receiver. The act of converting a plain text message to its cipher text form is called enciphering. Reversing that act (i.e., cipher text form to plain text message) is deciphering. Enciphering and deciphering are more commonly referred to  as encryption and decryption, respectively.

There are a number of algorithms for performing encryption and decryption, but comparatively few such algorithms have stood the test of time. The most successful algorithms use a key. A key is simply a parameter to the algorithm that allows the encryption and decryption process to occur. There are many modern key-based cryptographic techniques . These are divided into two classes: symmetric and asymmetric (also called public/private) key cryptography. In symmetric key cryptography, the same key is used for both encryption and decryption. In asymmetric key cryptography, one key is used for encryption and another, mathematically related key, is used for decryption.

There are several ways of classifying cryptographic algorithms. For purposes of this report  they will be categorized based on the number of keys that are employed for encryption and decryption, and further defined by their application and use. The following are the three types of Algorithm that are disscused
·         Secret Key Cryptography (SKC): Uses a single key for both encryption and decryption
·         Public Key Cryptography (PKC): Uses one key for encryption and another for decryption
·         Hash Functions: Uses a mathematical transformation to irreversibly "encrypt" information
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Interactive Session : Technology

1.      What challenges does the increase in unstructured data present for businesses?

Text mining enables many companies to respond to their customers satisfaction surveys, and web mining enables many web search engines to facilitate collecting data that people need to be more profitable. Now, a huge amount of unstructured data is distributed by these systems. A manager is able to use this system and make an accurate decision for unprecedented cases. information Business intelligence tools deal primarily with data that have been structured in databases and files. However, unstructured data, mostly the kind
of data we generate in e-mails, phone conversations,
blog postings, online customer surveys, and tweets are all valuable for finding patterns and trends that will help employees make better business decisions.
Text mining tools are now available to help businesses analyze these data. These tools are able to extract key elements from large unstructured data sets, discover patterns and relationships, and summarize the information. Businesses might turn to text mining to analyze transcripts of calls to customer service centers to identify major service and repair issues.

2, How does text-mining improve decision-making?

Text mining system enables airlines to rapidly extract customer sentiments, preferences, and requests for example, when the airlines suffered from unprecedented levels of customer discontent in the wake of a February ice storm in 2007. Managers were concerned about their reputation degrading but there had been no means to glean their responses without text mining. Fortunately, they could make decisions and figure out a lot of measures to respond to customers’ discontent.  The reason is that text mining facilitates gleaning from many unstructured text data and compiles them. This data wouldn’t be analyzed by decision making systems like MIS and DSS because text mining is not structured data. Text mining is indispensable for decision making of unstructured data. text mining improve in decition making by Offering unique insights into customer behaviour and attitudes.

  3,What kinds of companies are most likely to benefit from text mining software? Explain your answer.

In the past, only government and large companies tend to use text mining system but now, text mining system can be geared towards small businesses. Restaurants, hotels, supermarkets etc. are applying the system and able to make a decision as well as earn profits. Every company is able to use both structured data and unstructured data. Above all, internet search engines like Google and Yahoo are doing good business because they used AdWord and AdSence which efficient advertising system is kind of web mining.

4, In what ways could text mining potentially lead to the erosion of personal information privacy? Explain.

Nowadays, companies tend to use and manage personal information for their business. Mobile phone companies manages huge amount of privacy data as structured data. However sometimes hacker invade this data and abuse it.

According to text mining, some companies use personal information as unstructured data which is gathered from survey or questionnaires. This case is different from structured data because unstructured and mining data is not provided by customer. There is a risk to occur some unprecedented accidents.

Interactive Session : Organizations

1.     Assess the business impact of credit bureaus’ data quality problems for the credit bureaus, for lenders, for individuals.

The business impact of credit bureaus' data quality problems for the credit bureaus, for lenders, for individuals is that businesses lease and promote people based on the credit bureaus' data. It said that one of the three entrepreneur look at the credit bureaus' data when leasing and promoting workers. This is the business impact of credit bureaus' data quality.
2.     Are any ethical issues raised by credit bureaus’ data quality problems? Explain your answer.

Yes, there are ethical issues raised by credit bureaus' data quality problems, because some people fill out their applications wrong on purpose so other people get their bad credit. That is ethically wrong to do that. More and more people are receiving bad credit that they don't even deserve. These are the ethical issues raised by credit bureaus' data quality problems.
3. Analyze the management, organization, and technology factors responsible for credit bureaus’ data quality problems.
The management factor responsible for credit bureaus is data quality problem is that they need to manage the credit for people better than they have even though it said they can't do it accurately for 3.5 billion people. The organization factor is that they need organize the data better and keep it updated so that people aren't receiving bad credit undeservingly. The technology factor is that the technology needs to keep all the data updated and make sure the technology is up to date as well.
4. What can be done to solve these problems?
The steps to solve the problem is to make sure the information of lenders are up to date and correct. There will be some mistakes, but if you keep a closer eye on the credit data, you can minimize the problem. Another possible solution is to be more strict on the requirements to take out a loan, so lenders actually make sure they have good credit before taking out a loan. This will minimize the problem of people with bad credit, which in cause will minimize the problem of bad credit going to the wrong people.

Member : Riza riyanti ( C1L11020)
                  Findy verliana (C1L011029)
                   Mira Nur fajar (C1L011030)
                  Ista Oktina       (C1L011031)

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